Your donation of any amount helps support Gallery 2 deliver Arts and Culture programming in Grand Forks and the Boundary region.
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Prominently displayed in the main hallway, our feature donor wall recognizes incremental donations to Gallery 2. As your cumulative donation increases, so does your recognition. The Grand Forks Art Gallery Society is a registered charity; all donations over $10 are eligible for a tax receipt.
To discuss donation opportunities, please contact Tim van Wijk, Director/Curator at (250) 442-2211 or
Consider including arts and culture in your legacy. A gift through your estate to Gallery 2 will ensure future generations have access to quality exhibitions and programming in the Boundary region.
In 1998, the Grand Forks Art Gallery society established an endowment fund in order to support gallery operations. Since 2010, the Phoenix Foundation has administered the Gallery 2 endowment fund. The fund is held in trust in perpetuity; interest accrued supports Gallery operations.
image courtesy of Fern Helfland